TASK 1335

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TASK 1335

CONDITIONS: In a UH-1 helicopter with emergency procedure training criteria outlined in
AR 95-1 met and the before-landing check completed, and given the entry altitude and airspeed.

STANDARDS: Appropriate common standards plus these additions/modifications:
1. Establish entry altitude as directed. Minimum entry altitude is 800 feet above ground level

2. Establish entry airspeed as directed.

3. Maintain 80-knot attitude during the turn.

4. Complete the final turn, and align the aircraft with the landing area above 200 feet AGL.

5. Establish 80-knot attitude before reaching 100 feet AGL.

6. Perform a smooth, progressive deceleration.

7. Apply initial pitch at approximately 15 feet AGL.

8. Maintain heading alignment at touchdown ±5 degrees.

         Do not lower collective pitch to provide braking action.

1. Crew actions.
 a. The pilot on the controls (P*) will remain focused outside the aircraft. The P* will
 announce entering the autorotation and acknowledge the rotor RPM, N1, and trim. If directed
 by the instructor pilot (IP) to perform a go-around or terminate with power, the P* will
 smoothly and positively roll the throttle to the full open position and, with the “needles
 joined,” execute the appropriate maneuver.
 b. The IP will acknowledge the entry, verify during the turn and call out that rotor RPM
 remains within limits, N1 remains stable, and the aircraft trim. If the aircraft is not aligned by
 200 feet above ground level (AGL), a steady state autorotation is not achieved, or if it
 becomes apparent it won’t be achieved, the IP will direct the P* to go around or terminate
 with power as appropriate.
 c. The nonrated crewmember (NCM) will continually monitor the condition of the aircraft,
 assist in aircraft clearance and obstacle avoidance, and perform other tasks as directed by the
 pilot in command (PC).

2. Procedures.
 a. Maintain entry altitude and airspeed until reaching the entry point. Initiate the maneuver
 by lowering the collective to the fully down position. Retard the throttle to engine-idle stop,
 and adjust the pedals to maintain trim. Apply cyclic in the direction of the turn, and attain an
 80-knot attitude. (Disregard the airspeed indicator while establishing the turn.) Adjust the
 collective as required to maintain rotor RPM Within limits. Adjust bank as necessary to
 ensure that the turn is completed and the aircraft is aligned with the landing area direction
 before descending below 200 feet AGL. Before reaching 100 feet AGL, ensure that a steadystate
 autorotation is attained. If it is not attained, execute a go-around or terminate with power
 as appropriate. For this maneuver, a steady-state autorotation means that—
  (1) Rotor RPM is within limits.
  (2) Aircraft is at the correct attitude.
  (3) Aircraft is descending at a normal rate.
  (4) Aircraft is in a position to terminate in the intended landing area.
 b. At approximately 100 feet AGL, apply aft cyclic to initiate a smooth, progressive
 deceleration. Maintain aircraft alignment with the touchdown area by properly applying
 pedals and cyclic. Adjust the collective, if required, to prevent excessive rotor RPM. At
 approximately 5 feet AGL, apply sufficient collective to control the rate of descent and
 ground speed. (The amount of collective applied and the rate of application will depend on
 the rate of descent and ground speed.) Adjust the cyclic to attain a landing attitude, and apply
 collective, as necessary, just before touchdown to cushion the landing. After touchdown,
 maintain ground track alignment with the pedals. When the aircraft has come to a complete
 stop, lower the collective and neutralize the pedals and cyclic.

1. Attitude control is critical during night autorotations.

2. The lack of visual references at night reduces the aviator's ability to estimate airspeed and
altitude. To compensate for the lack of visual references, the aviator will attain a steady-state
autorotation before reaching 200 feet AGL.

3. Altitude, apparent ground speed, and rate of closure are difficult to estimate at night. Crews
must use proper scanning techniques.

4. The crew must be aware that the surrounding terrain or vegetation may decrease contrast and
degrade depth perception. If the searchlight or landing light is used, it should be turned on prior
to entering the maneuver. Ensure that the searchlight or landing light is in the desired position.

5. Use of the white light may impair night vision for several minutes. Therefore, exercise added
caution if resuming flight before reaching full dark adaptation.

6. NVG traffic patterns are normally lower than for day. To ensure steady state autorotation
minimum entry altitude will be 800 feet AGL.

1. Training will be conducted in the aircraft.
2. Evaluation will be conducted in the aircraft.

REFERENCES: Appropriate common references.