TASK 1062

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TASK 1062

CONDITIONS: In a UH-1 helicopter.

STANDARDS: Appropriate common standards plus these additions/modifications:
1. Rated:

 a. Select a suitable landing area.
 b. Know the slope landing limitations.
 c. Maintain heading ±5 degrees.
 d. Maintain drift ±1 foot until touchdown and then no drift allowed.

2. Nonrated.
 a. Confirm suitable landing area.
 b. Announce drift and altitude.

1. Crew actions.

a. The pilot on the controls (P*) will announce their intent to perform a slope operation and
establish the helicopter over the slope. The P* will announce their intended landing area and
any deviation from the intended maneuver. The P* should be aware of the common tendency
to become tense and, as a result, to over control the aircraft while performing the slope
operation. The P* will note the aircraft attitude at a hover, prior to starting descent to land on
the slope.

b. The pilot not on the controls (P) and nonrated crewmember (NCM) will provide adequate
warning of obstacles, unannounced drift, or altitude changes. The P will monitor the aircraft
attitude on the attitude indicator, and notify the P* prior to exceeding aircraft slope
limitations. The P and NCM will confirm the suitability of the intended landing area and
announce when their attention is focused inside the aircraft and again when attention is
reestablished outside.

2. Procedures.

 a. Landing. Select a suitable area for slope operations. If possible, orient the aircraft into the
 wind. Announce the initiation of the slope landing. Smoothly lower the collective until skids
 contact the ground. Adjust the cyclic to maintain the aircraft in a level attitude while
 maintaining heading with the pedals. Continue lowering the collective and simultaneously
 apply cyclic into the slope to maintain the position of the up slope skid until the landing gear
 is firmly on the ground. Coordinate the collective and cyclic to control the rate of attitude
 change when lowering the down slope skid to the slope. With the down slope skid on the
 ground, simultaneously lower the collective full down and neutralize the cyclic. If aircraft
 slope limits are reached before the aircraft is firmly on the ground, return the aircraft to a
 hover. Select a new area with less slope.
 b. Takeoff. Before takeoff, announce initiation of an ascent. Apply the cyclic into the slope
 to maintain the position of the up slope skid and smoothly increase the collective. Continue to
 increase the collective to raise the down slope skid, maintain heading with the pedals, and
 simultaneously adjust the cyclic to attain a hover attitude. As the aircraft leaves the ground,
 adjust the cyclic to accomplish a vertical ascent to a hover with minimum drift.

Note: Before performing slope operations, it is important to understand dynamic rollover

Note: Crewmembers must be aware of the helicopter’s normal hovering attitude prior to
putting a skid on the ground.
Note: If the successful completion of the landing is in doubt at any time, abort the maneuver
and return to a hover.

1. Select reference points to determine slope angles. (References probably will be limited and
difficult to ascertain.)

2. When performing operations during unaided night flight, ensure that the searchlight or
landing light (white light) is in the desired position. Use of the white light may impair night
vision for several minutes. Therefore, exercise added caution if resuming flight before reaching
full dark adaptation.

1. Training will be conducted in the aircraft.
2. Evaluation will be conducted in the aircraft.
REFERENCES: Appropriate common references.