Config TS

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Configure the 229th server bookmark

To connect to the server via the TeamSpeak client, you will need to configure the server bookmark for the 229th

from the file menu; select Bookmarks > Add to Bookmarks

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enter the server details as follows

create a bookmark to the 229th Teamspeak server

Server Bookmark
Bookmark Name: DCS: 1st Cavalry Division
Nickname: username of your choice [format is (coy/229)username ]
Server Nickname or address:
Default Channel: Disregard for the time being - you can set this later

Click on Apply then OK , once you’ve completed the bookmark

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Create a connection to 229th

From the file menu, select Bookmarks > DCS: 1st Cavalry Division

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once connected you will arrive in the Open Lobby

you can move into any channel as required

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Configure your PTT button

From the file menu, select Tools > Options

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from the left frame options select Hotkeys

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alternatively you can also set it from the Capture option

Configure your PTT - alternate method

from the left frame options select Capture

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Configure your sound output device

from the left frame options select Playback

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Move to separate flight Channels

all users on a single channel, simple comms (flooded network)

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seperation of channels, multiple networks, Flight A can talk amongst themselves , however Flight A cannot talk to Flight B

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