TASK 2048
From 229ahb
Exract: TC 1-211 AIRCREW TRAINING MANUAL UTILITY HELICOPTER, UH-1H/V SERIES TASK 2048 PERFORM SLING LOAD OPERATIONS WARNING When performing this task with cabin doors open, ensure that any personnel in the cabin area are wearing a safety harness secured to a tie-down ring or are seated in a seat with seat belt on. CAUTION A static electricity discharge wand will be utilized in accordance with FM 4-20.197 Note: Prior to external load operations, a qualified external load inspector will inspect all non-training sling loads. Certification must be recorded on a DA Form 7382-R (Sling Load Inspection Record) and a copy provided to the aircrews. CONDITIONS: In a UH-1 helicopter with an operational cargo hook, sling load, completed DA Form 7382-R, or training load in accordance with FM 4-20.197. STANDARDS: Appropriate common standards plus these additions/modifications: 1. Rated. a. Before hookup. Verify that DA Form 7382-R is complete and on file and that the aircraft will remain within gross weight (GWT) and center of gravity (CG) limitations. b. Hookup and hover. (1) Ensure that the aircraft remains clear of the load and any obstacles. (2) Perform a vertical ascent with the load to a load height of 5 feet ±3 feet. (3) Determine power sufficient to complete the maneuver without exceeding aircraft limitations. c. Takeoff. Maintain aircraft in trim (above 100 feet AGL). d. Approach and load release. (1) Maintain a constant approach angle to ensure the load safely clears obstacles and terminate over the intended point of landing with a load height of 5 feet ±3 feet. (2) Perform a vertical descent with the load to the desired touchdown point ±5 feet. 2. Nonrated. a. The nonrated crewmember (NCM) will ensure that the aircraft is prepared for external load operations. The NCM will also ensure that all slings have been properly inspected and all sling equipment is secured in the aircraft before takeoff. b. Provide aircraft guidance for hook up and release. c. Clear the aircraft and sling load during the operation. d. Confirm load is hooked and secure. e. Ensure load is free of entanglements. f. Continue to monitor load for oscillation. DESCRIPTION: 1. Crew actions. a. The pilot in command (PC) will conduct a thorough crew briefing and ensure all crewmembers are familiar with sling load operations, emergency, and communication procedures. The PC will ensure that DA Form 7382-R has been completed. The PC will determine the direction of takeoff by analyzing the tactical situation, the wind, the long axis of the takeoff area, and the lowest obstacles and will confirm that required power is available by comparing the information from the performance planning card (PPC) to the hover power check. b. The pilot on the controls (P*) will remain primarily focused primarily outside the aircraft throughout the maneuver. The P* will monitor altitude and avoid obstacles. c. The pilot not on the controls (P) will monitor the cockpit instruments and assist the P* in clearing the aircraft. The P will set cargo hook switches, as required, and should make all radio calls. When directed by the P* during the approach, the P will place the cargo hook arming switch to the ARMED position. The P or NCM will release the load. d. The P and NCM will assist in clearing the aircraft and will provide adequate warning of obstacles. e. The NCM will remain primarily focused on the load. The NCM will guide the P* during the load pickup, advise of the load condition in flight, and direct the P* when setting down the load. 2. Procedures. a. Hookup and hover. Set cargo hook control switches per the appropriate aircraft operator’s manual. Follow hand and arm signals from the signalman and commands from the NCM to hover over the load. Remain vertically clear of and centered over the load. When the load is hooked up, remove slack from the sling and ascend vertically to a load height of 5 feet AGL. Ensure aircraft limitations are not exceeded. b. Takeoff. Establish a constant angle of climb that will permit safe obstacle clearance. When above 100 feet AGL or when clear of obstacles, adjust attitude and power as required to establish the desired rate of climb and airspeed. Smoothly adjust flight controls to prevent load oscillation. After passing above 300 feet AGL, place the cargo hook-arming switch to the SAFE position. Note: Ensure that the cargo hook-arming switch is in the ARMED position when operating at altitudes below 300 feet above highest obstacle (AHO). c. En route. Maintain the desired altitude, flight path, and airspeed. Make smooth control applications to prevent load oscillation. If a lateral load oscillation occurs, reduce airspeed. If a fore-and-aft oscillation occurs, begin a shallow turn while reducing airspeed. d. Approach and load release. Establish and maintain an approach angle that will keep the load clear of obstacles to the desired point of termination. Establish a rate of closure appropriate for the conditions and the load. When passing below 300 feet AGL, place the cargo hook-arming switch to the ARMED position. Terminate the approach at a stationary hover with the load 5 feet above the intended release point. Confirm with the NCM that the release point is clear. Descend vertically until the load rests completely on the ground. Continue descent to obtain slack in the sling, and then hover laterally to ensure the clevis is clear of the load before releasing the load. Confirm that the load is released before moving away from the release point. Note: Hover out-of-ground effect (OGE) power is required for this task. Note: Loads will meet external air transportability (EAT) requirements in accordance with FM 4-20.197. Procedures for air transportation of hazardous material will be in accordance with AR 95-27. Note: Avoid flight over populated areas. Note: Before the mission, the PC will ensure that all crewmembers are familiar with the hand and arm signals shown in FM 21-60 and with forced landing procedures. In case of a forced landing, the aviator will land the aircraft to the left of the load. The hookup man will move to his left, which is to the right of the aircraft and lie facedown on the ground. The signalman will remain in place and lie facedown on the ground. Note: Control switches will not be moved without verbal announcement first. If the crewmember pendant is used, the crewmember must be trained in accordance with the unit SOP. Note: Figure 4-4 is a list of standard words and phrases to be used for external load operations. NIGHT OR NIGHT VISION GOGGLE CONSIDERATIONS: 1. For unaided night flight, the landing light and searchlight should be operational. If an NVG filter is installed, it should be removed. 2. When NVGs are used, hovering with minimum drift is difficult and requires proper scanning techniques and crewmember coordination. If possible, an area with adequate ground contrast and reference points should be used. Visual obstacles such as shadows should be treated the same as physical obstacles. 3. The rate of descent and rate of closure should be slightly slower to avoid abrupt attitude changes at low altitudes. 4. Sling loads should be marked with chemical stick lighting. “Hook is armed” “Hook up crew clear left” “Load under the nose” “Slings coming tight” “Load in sight” “Slings tight” “Forward” “Load is off the ground” “Back” “Cleared for flight” “Left” “Load on ground” “Right” “Slack in the slings” “Down” “Release the load” “Up” “Load is released” “Hold” “Clear to reposition” “Load is hooked” “Hook is OFF” “Hookup crew clear right” Figure 4-4. Standard words and phrases for sling load operations TRAINING AND EVALUATION REQUIREMENTS: 1. Training will be conducted in the aircraft. 2. Evaluation will be conducted in the aircraft. REFERENCES: Appropriate common references plus the following: FM 21-60 FM 4-20.197 FM 10-450-4 AR 95-27